Monday, January 3, 2011


193 pages
A book about a girl searching for love and freedom. Janie tells her story to her best friend, Pheoby. Janie lived with her grandma when she was a little girl. When she turns 16 her grandma wants her to marry. And so she marries Logan Killicks but not for love for protection from the world. One day she meets Joe Starks walking by the house. She falls in love and runs off with him after having a heated fight with Logan Killicks. They go to this new town that was going to be all black and Joe was going to be a big name in the town in fact he became the mayor of Eatonville. They owned a general store and it was the meeting place for the men. Joe made Janie wear her a up because it was so beautiful and didn't want other guys looking at her. This was the way the Joe was in control of Janie. After almost twenty years being together Joe was old and died. Janie let her hair down, this represented her

freedom from Joe. Soon after she met Tea Cake and fell in love. They decided to leave Eatonville to start a new life. They go to the everglades and get a place. Tea Cake beats Janie to be the one that is in control of the relationship. Time went on then a hurricane came and most people left but Tea Cake and Janie stayed. The hurricane hit and flooded the whole area and Janie fell but couldn't swim. Tea Cake jumped in to save her and got bit by a rabid dog. Tea Cake was going crazy and was beating Janie worse. Tea Cake had a gun under his pillow and Janie moved the rounds so he would shoot three blanks before the loaded bullets so she would have time to react. When she went to talked to him he pulled the gun and Janie shot him. She was put on trial and found innocent by a all white jury. She left and went back to Eatonville where she used to live. This is when she tells her story to Pheoby. It's a story inside a story.
I thought the book was interesting. It surprised me how Joe and Tea Cake kept Janie in control and less important then them. The dialect the book was wrote in was confusing to read.  

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