Friday, January 7, 2011

The Goblin Wood

48 pages
Tobin worked on the spike that held the chain to the ceiling. After four days of working it he got it loose. He was free. He had to get to the settlement, so he headed south. He ran up a hill and remember his mission to place the overworld stone. So he placed it under a fallen pine tree. He continued south and fell. He fell right into a pit and hurt his left ankle. He couldn't walked let alone climb to safety. He looked up and saw two hazel eyes looking at him. He realized it was the little goblin that visited him in the mud hut. There was four other goblins with her. One went back to the village to get helped. The others saved Tobin's life by building a fire and snuggling with him. In the morning Tobin opened his eyes and saw eyes peering at him all around the ring of the pit. He had found out what the buttons were for that Makenna wore and that goblins are nice and caring.

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