Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Goblin Wood

37 pages
Makenna was thrown up on the horse and Tobin got on behind her. Tobin wanted to get to the road so he could take Makenna to Master Lazur. The goblins give up and threw stones at Tobin  never hitting Makenna. Tobin fell off the horse and Makenna almost got free. Tobin regained control and but the horse ran off into the darkness. So they continued on foot and followed the trails to a stream. Tobin figured that he was being pixie-led by the goblins. The tracks ended in a clearing that was surrounded by brushes. Fire was all around him and he got hit with a stone in the head. Makenna and the goblins tied him up and were trying to trade his horse. Makenna ended up not trading the horse and Tobin was so thankful. He told her the horse's real name and thanked her.He shut his and fell asleep.

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