Friday, January 7, 2011

The Goblin Wood

Back to Tobin in the goblin village. His fever was getting worse. Natter gave him something to drink that was terribly nasty. He fell asleep hoping he would feel better when he woke up. He woke up and heard someone at the door. It was Onny and the others. They said they could take him out and show him the village as seen in the picture to the right. Tobin got up and he saw most of the village. When they got to Daroo's house Tobin got tired and had to sit down. Natter gave him something to drink and he felt better. He went to bed for the night and started to dream. The dream was more of a nightmare. There was horses with no riders stampeding the village and there was screaming and crying. He suddenly woke up and wanted to scream. Then he remembered the Otherworld stone. He had to go retrieve it. He couldn't walk and Natter took his crutches. He started crawling and left the door open so if any one woke up and noticed, they could help him. He crawled all the way to the stone and put it in his pocket. Now the priests could not find it. The goblins found him and brought him back to the hut. He woke up with all of his muscles aching. He realized that Makenna was back and she was using some runes for a spell.

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