Friday, January 7, 2011

The Goblin Wood

23 pages
Makenna made it back to the village and Cogswhallop told her that Tobin had nearly escaped. Makenna went to talk to Tobin. She told him she met Master Lazur and Jeriah. This made Tobin mad. He asked what she was planning to do with the settlement. She decided to tell him the truth. She was going to distract the guards and the spoiler goblins were going to rot the seed and the tools so the settlers would leave. She left and slammed the door. Her and goblins made plans to attack in the daytime. Makenna was seen and the guards followed her. When she got to her hiding spot there was already soldiers at the top of the cliff. She had to improvise and jumped in the river. She let the current take her a ways until she was out of site. She wondered how they knew her plan and where she was going to go. Cogswhallop came out of the bushes and Makenna saw that he had bruises on his face. She new something went wrong with the attack.

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