Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Goblin Wood

52 pages
Erebus goes to get more information from Tobin. He sits up on a rock where he usually does and is caught in the trap of the knight. Erebus almost got away but Tobin was faster. He knew that there was others watching and told them to send the sorceress with all his stuff unarmed. Mekenna was busy watching a new settlement of people. She observed them closely and figured out that seven of them were powerful priests. The rest were soldiers and servants. Cogswhallop goes to Mekenna with the news of Erebus getting caught. They hurried back to get the stuff and Mekenna went to the knight's camp. When she got there the knight figured out that she didn't have the charm with her because she was too close to the goblin and it wasn't affected. Mekenna went and got it from the brush where she hid it. Now she had to go to her second plan. The knight told her to put it on a rock and go by the firepit. The knight went for the charm and Mekenna snatched Erebus and let him run free. Mekenna expected a sword coming at her but instead there was a net over her. The net was draining her magic and powers. She couldn't get untangled and the knight was holding her. She was caught!

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