Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Goblin Wood

30 pages
The book gets confusing now. It goes from the plot with Tobin back to the plot of Makenna the hedgewitch. I am hoping that the two plots will collide near the end. It would be weird if the book had two intertwined plots that didn't connect to each other.
Mekenna and Cogswhallop start out by burning someones house down and taking the animals from the barn. The husband wife fled with only some blankets and a pot in their hands. Makenna and Cogswhallop are searching for traps around the house. They burnt down the house because a goblin was killed by one of these traps set by the people who lived there. One of the goblins informed Mekenna that there was a bounty hunter coming to the wall. The wall separates the goblin wood from the humans land. There is magic in the wall that prevents from goblins from crossing the wall. Anyways, Mekenna went to the wall to warn the stranger found out that he was actually a knight not a bounty hunter. She scared the horses and the knight ran after them. Mekenna thought he would be back so they made a plan to take his food and clothes sending him home scared without anything.

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