Friday, January 7, 2011

The Goblin Wood

Back to Tobin in the goblin village. His fever was getting worse. Natter gave him something to drink that was terribly nasty. He fell asleep hoping he would feel better when he woke up. He woke up and heard someone at the door. It was Onny and the others. They said they could take him out and show him the village as seen in the picture to the right. Tobin got up and he saw most of the village. When they got to Daroo's house Tobin got tired and had to sit down. Natter gave him something to drink and he felt better. He went to bed for the night and started to dream. The dream was more of a nightmare. There was horses with no riders stampeding the village and there was screaming and crying. He suddenly woke up and wanted to scream. Then he remembered the Otherworld stone. He had to go retrieve it. He couldn't walk and Natter took his crutches. He started crawling and left the door open so if any one woke up and noticed, they could help him. He crawled all the way to the stone and put it in his pocket. Now the priests could not find it. The goblins found him and brought him back to the hut. He woke up with all of his muscles aching. He realized that Makenna was back and she was using some runes for a spell.

The Goblin Wood

23 pages
Makenna made it back to the village and Cogswhallop told her that Tobin had nearly escaped. Makenna went to talk to Tobin. She told him she met Master Lazur and Jeriah. This made Tobin mad. He asked what she was planning to do with the settlement. She decided to tell him the truth. She was going to distract the guards and the spoiler goblins were going to rot the seed and the tools so the settlers would leave. She left and slammed the door. Her and goblins made plans to attack in the daytime. Makenna was seen and the guards followed her. When she got to her hiding spot there was already soldiers at the top of the cliff. She had to improvise and jumped in the river. She let the current take her a ways until she was out of site. She wondered how they knew her plan and where she was going to go. Cogswhallop came out of the bushes and Makenna saw that he had bruises on his face. She new something went wrong with the attack.

The Goblin Wood

48 pages
Tobin worked on the spike that held the chain to the ceiling. After four days of working it he got it loose. He was free. He had to get to the settlement, so he headed south. He ran up a hill and remember his mission to place the overworld stone. So he placed it under a fallen pine tree. He continued south and fell. He fell right into a pit and hurt his left ankle. He couldn't walked let alone climb to safety. He looked up and saw two hazel eyes looking at him. He realized it was the little goblin that visited him in the mud hut. There was four other goblins with her. One went back to the village to get helped. The others saved Tobin's life by building a fire and snuggling with him. In the morning Tobin opened his eyes and saw eyes peering at him all around the ring of the pit. He had found out what the buttons were for that Makenna wore and that goblins are nice and caring.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Goblin Wood

28 pages
Makenna woke up in the morning determine to find out more information. She found where the weapons were stored and what magic charms the guards had. She continued to work with the Garron family. One night during dinner one of the kids started to choked and the parents couldn't do anything. They sent for a healing priest but it would be to late by the time they would arrive. Before Makenna knew it she was knealing next to the boy and made a spell to stop his choking. She hid the runes under her skirt and hoped no one saw her. That night she had to leave in fear of being compromised by the Garron kids. She slipped by the guards and headed back to the goblins.

The Goblin Wood

34 pages
Tobin woke up in a small mud hut with a copper chain attached to his ankle so he couldn't escape. Makenna came in with Cogswhallop holding some silver chains. This was for a lie spell. She went on to ask Tobin about the new settlement and who Master Lazur was. Makenna then went to the settlement posing as a peasant girl looking for work. She went inside a tent and met Master Lazur and figured out he was a powerful priest. He said he would have to do a truth spell on her for her to get work. It was procedure. Makenna agreed and lied truthfully. He was satisfied and gave her work. At the end of the day Makenna's muscles were sore and she could finally relax a little.

The Goblin Wood

37 pages
Makenna was thrown up on the horse and Tobin got on behind her. Tobin wanted to get to the road so he could take Makenna to Master Lazur. The goblins give up and threw stones at Tobin  never hitting Makenna. Tobin fell off the horse and Makenna almost got free. Tobin regained control and but the horse ran off into the darkness. So they continued on foot and followed the trails to a stream. Tobin figured that he was being pixie-led by the goblins. The tracks ended in a clearing that was surrounded by brushes. Fire was all around him and he got hit with a stone in the head. Makenna and the goblins tied him up and were trying to trade his horse. Makenna ended up not trading the horse and Tobin was so thankful. He told her the horse's real name and thanked her.He shut his and fell asleep.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Goblin Wood

52 pages
Erebus goes to get more information from Tobin. He sits up on a rock where he usually does and is caught in the trap of the knight. Erebus almost got away but Tobin was faster. He knew that there was others watching and told them to send the sorceress with all his stuff unarmed. Mekenna was busy watching a new settlement of people. She observed them closely and figured out that seven of them were powerful priests. The rest were soldiers and servants. Cogswhallop goes to Mekenna with the news of Erebus getting caught. They hurried back to get the stuff and Mekenna went to the knight's camp. When she got there the knight figured out that she didn't have the charm with her because she was too close to the goblin and it wasn't affected. Mekenna went and got it from the brush where she hid it. Now she had to go to her second plan. The knight told her to put it on a rock and go by the firepit. The knight went for the charm and Mekenna snatched Erebus and let him run free. Mekenna expected a sword coming at her but instead there was a net over her. The net was draining her magic and powers. She couldn't get untangled and the knight was holding her. She was caught!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Goblin Wood

35 pages
Finally the two separate plots come together in Chapter 8. The knight that crossed the wall was Tobin. He was coming to take on the sorceress which was Mekenna. He promised his brother that he would beat her. I'm really starting to get into the book and want to finish the book. One of the goblins, Erebus, was caught by Tobin and I can't wait to find out what Tobin is going to do and how Mekenna is going to react to this. I think that they will become friends and Tobin will help Mekenna keep the wood for the goblins. Tobin hesitated to use his knife on Erebus therefore i don't he will hurt any goblins. I hope that my predictions are true.

The Goblin Wood

30 pages
The book gets confusing now. It goes from the plot with Tobin back to the plot of Makenna the hedgewitch. I am hoping that the two plots will collide near the end. It would be weird if the book had two intertwined plots that didn't connect to each other.
Mekenna and Cogswhallop start out by burning someones house down and taking the animals from the barn. The husband wife fled with only some blankets and a pot in their hands. Makenna and Cogswhallop are searching for traps around the house. They burnt down the house because a goblin was killed by one of these traps set by the people who lived there. One of the goblins informed Mekenna that there was a bounty hunter coming to the wall. The wall separates the goblin wood from the humans land. There is magic in the wall that prevents from goblins from crossing the wall. Anyways, Mekenna went to the wall to warn the stranger found out that he was actually a knight not a bounty hunter. She scared the horses and the knight ran after them. Mekenna thought he would be back so they made a plan to take his food and clothes sending him home scared without anything.

The Goblin Wood

75 pages
Tobin's father got him out of jail. He went home and found his mother and brother fighting over something. He butted in and found out more about the conspiracy that his brother was involved in. It turns out Jeriah had an important role in the planning and could've been a leader of the conspiracy. Jeriah now tells Tobin what happened after Tobin got caught. He said mother had drugged him and locked him in a attic storeroom having girls slip food under the door. He tried to have them open the door but they didn't listen. Finally, he twisted the hinges off the door and escape to find Tobin but he was already caught. Tobin convinces Jeriah to stop work on the conspiracy until Tobin is clear of the mess he is in and can be now be trusted by Tobin.

The Goblin Wood

A young hedgewitch named Makenna is fleeing her village because her mother was killed for practicing magic. She sets out to find help from whoever she can find. On her journey she makes an unexpected alliance with a mysterious creature of the woods, goblins. But they need makenna's help instead of the other way around. They need her help to take down the priests that are aiming to get rid of the goblins. Makenna decides to help and swears on her mother's soul that she won't change her mind.

62 pages read

Monday, January 3, 2011


193 pages
A book about a girl searching for love and freedom. Janie tells her story to her best friend, Pheoby. Janie lived with her grandma when she was a little girl. When she turns 16 her grandma wants her to marry. And so she marries Logan Killicks but not for love for protection from the world. One day she meets Joe Starks walking by the house. She falls in love and runs off with him after having a heated fight with Logan Killicks. They go to this new town that was going to be all black and Joe was going to be a big name in the town in fact he became the mayor of Eatonville. They owned a general store and it was the meeting place for the men. Joe made Janie wear her a up because it was so beautiful and didn't want other guys looking at her. This was the way the Joe was in control of Janie. After almost twenty years being together Joe was old and died. Janie let her hair down, this represented her

freedom from Joe. Soon after she met Tea Cake and fell in love. They decided to leave Eatonville to start a new life. They go to the everglades and get a place. Tea Cake beats Janie to be the one that is in control of the relationship. Time went on then a hurricane came and most people left but Tea Cake and Janie stayed. The hurricane hit and flooded the whole area and Janie fell but couldn't swim. Tea Cake jumped in to save her and got bit by a rabid dog. Tea Cake was going crazy and was beating Janie worse. Tea Cake had a gun under his pillow and Janie moved the rounds so he would shoot three blanks before the loaded bullets so she would have time to react. When she went to talked to him he pulled the gun and Janie shot him. She was put on trial and found innocent by a all white jury. She left and went back to Eatonville where she used to live. This is when she tells her story to Pheoby. It's a story inside a story.
I thought the book was interesting. It surprised me how Joe and Tea Cake kept Janie in control and less important then them. The dialect the book was wrote in was confusing to read.