Friday, November 19, 2010

The War Within

65 pages
A girl named Hannah has just turned 13 and is trying very hard to act like an appropriate lady. But she still holds on to her childhood things like her doll. She goes to her room and finds the doll laying on the floor instead of in an upright position. She usually hides her diary behind her dolls but the diary was gone. She figures that her younger brother David took it. David makes Hannah's life a misery from morning to night. She is on her way to find her brother and get her diary back. She finds her brother and he explains why he had it. She punishes him but he likes his punishment of following her around and doing stuff for her. They go to the store owned by their family and there is two officers from the union in there. They were talking about some jews in the town profiteering. Hannah's family was jewish but they were not profiteering.The officers weren't referring to them though.